Courses Offered
Duration - 3 months
Eligibility - 8th Pass
Course Contain:
1. Computer Concept & Fundamentals
2. Operating Systems :- DOS vWindows Xp/2000
3. Ms-Office :- Ms Word vMs Excel vMs Access , Ms Outlook , Ms Powerpoint vInternet Technology , Multimedia
Course Contain:
1. Introduction of Accounting
2. Introduction of Inventory
3. Advance Feature of Tally :- Budget vInterest calculation vMaintain Godowns vPrices List
4. Cost Category & Cost Centre
5. Currency Master & Reorder Level
6. Export & Import
7. VAT, TDS & Service Tax
8. Entry, Adj. Entry & Final Accounts
9. Tally 9.0
Course Contain:
1. Introduction of
2. Python Statements, Variables and Data Types
3. Python Input/output, Operators
4. Python Flow Control and Conditional Statements
5.Python Data Structures: Lists, Strings, Tuples, Set, Dictionary
6. Python Functions and Scope of Variables
7. OOPS Concepts, Classes
8. Working with CSV files
9. Data Visualization using MatplotLib
Website Designing
1. Introduction to Internet & Web 04 hrs
2. HTML 20 hrs
3. DHTML 10 hrs
4. JavaScript 10 hrs
5. Flash 10 hrs
6. Photoshop 10 hrs
7. CSS 06 hrs
8. Project on Website Development